Founded in 2015, Bolden Ventures offers international expansion, investment support and research services to global clients. Bolden offers years experience of serving Fortune 100 technology companies, venture capital firms, social impact ventures and family offices.
We are known for our listening skills, impact and independent view.
Meet the Team
Adhere to highest professional standards
Put client’s interest ahead of Bolden's
Observe highest ethical standards
Manage client and company’s resources cost-effectively
Improve our clients’ performance significantly
Follow top management approach
Provide only the results that are relevant
Keep an independent view
Create an unrivalled environment for exceptional people
Be non-hierarchical and inclusive

We only provide the outputs that you can use to make a difference in your business.

We believe in doing simple things exceptionally well and ensure completeness, recentness, and accuracy of outputs.

All Ears
We read whatever you send multiple times and take note when you speak – to be right on target.

Strict security protocols that include comprehensive background checks of team members, password protected computers that do not read external storage, secure emails, enterprise grade cloud services, regular security audits and more.

Happy People
Bolden is a fun, caring and rewarding workplace and people who support you are happy and highly motivated.